Organize Your Network – Part 1: You Know Many More People Than You Think You Do!

July 27, 2011

If you sat down and wrote on a piece of paper the names of all the people you know—in any capacity—you would probably find that you know at least 200 people or more. Consider all of your all of your affiliations:

Arts organizations
Athletic teams (adults and children)
Bosses (current/former)
Business networkers
Children’s school teachers/administration
Church members
Coworkers (current/former)
Crafts/hobby groups
[Click here for the entire list and the rest of the article.]

Resume Rescue: $25 off through August 31
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Is Job Search Networking for You? I Want to Hear From You!

March 27, 2008

Everybody says that to get a good job you have to network. Talk with people you know so they can introduce you to people you don’t know so
you can network your way into a juicy position.

Sure! No problem! Easy, right? Well, actually, not really. {Read more…}

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$25 off through August 31, 2011